2023 Arts and Sciences Summer Scholars
Since 2011, the School of Arts & Sciences has awarded grants to support faculty research efforts during the summer months. Participating faculty members receive a grant equivalent to the stipend for teaching one course, reducing the need for faculty to teach in the summer, so that they will be able to dedicate more time towards scholarly work. At least one of the awards will be reserved for mid-career to senior-level faculty. Faculty who can demonstrate the direct impact of the grant on their ability to complete scholarly work in the summer, and/or complete a project in anticipation of upcoming tenure/promotion, will be given preference in the selection process. Recipients will be chosen by the Summer Scholar Selection Committee comprised of faculty from across the School of Arts and Sciences.
Recipients of Summer Scholar awards will not teach a summer course during the summer award period and will be required to submit a brief (2-4 pages) report by October 1, describing their accomplishments during the award period. They will also present their work to a peer audience in an informal venue during the subsequent academic year. The call for applications for the 2023 Summer Scholars Program for Ordinary faculty in the School of Arts & Sciences is open. We are no longer accepting applications for 2023, however, you can find the form here. Announcement of the awards will be made early in the Spring semester.

Christopher Chambers, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Sociology and Black Studies
Centering Black Subjectivity in an Analysis of Black Gay Men’s Approaches to their Religious and Sexual Identities

Rahsaan Mahadeo, Ph.D
Assistant Professor of Sociology and Black Studies
When the Hands of Time are Cold as I.C.E.: Interminability of deportation

Adam Myers, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Political Science
Coordination Failure: Federalism and Taxation from the New Deal to Today

E.C. Osondu, MFA
Professor of English
Home & Abroad: A Memoir in Pieces

Maureen Outlaw, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Sociology
Guilt by assumption: Police interactions with the transgender community

Virginia Thomas, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Art History and Women’s and Gender Studies
Dark Trees: Visual Grammars of Family and (Anti)Lynching Aesthetics

Jason Willwerscheid, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Empirical Bayes Methods for Genetics Testing