Consortium for Faculty Diversity FAQs

Regarding eligibility

Does my graduate institution need to be a member of the Consortium for Faculty Diversity at Liberal Arts Colleges?
No, your graduate institution does not need to be a member of the CFD for you to submit an application for consideration. The Consortium is a group of liberal arts colleges and universities located throughout the country that are committed to enhancing diversity on their campuses.

What are the benefits of applying for the CFD fellowship?
A full academic life includes scholarship, service, and teaching. The CFD fellowship is a teaching fellowship in residence, and so much more. As a scholar on a liberal arts campus, you have the opportunity to engage in lively academic discussions with colleagues and students. Past scholars have commented that the fellowship prepared them for an academic life and helped them develop a fuller picture of their career.

Do I have to be a member of a particular race or ethnicity to be eligible for a fellowship?
The member institutions of the Consortium for Faculty Diversity have resolved that diversity is defined more broadly than race and ethnicity. The members seek candidates who will contribute to increasing the diversity of member colleges in one or more of the following ways: by increasing ethnic and racial diversity, by maximizing the educational benefits of diversity and/or by increasing the number of faculty members who can and will use diversity as a resource for enriching the education of students.

Do I need to be a United States citizen to apply?
The Consortium seeks applicants who are either United States citizens or permanent residents. Applicants must be able to provide evidence of U.S. citizenship or unconditional permanent resident status at the time of hire. This corresponds to United States hiring and employment laws.

Are there additional eligibility requirements?
The Consortium seeks applicants enrolled in accredited graduate programs, seeking terminal degrees in all academic fields. A dissertation fellowship applicant must have completed all requirements of the terminal degree, except for the dissertation (ABD). A post terminal degree candidate must not exceed the maximum of 5 years teaching experience from the date of issuance of the terminal degree.

Regarding the application

All completed applications are available to all members of the Consortium who appoint fellows based on fellowship needs at their institution.

Is the application deadline a hard deadline?
The Consortium has a rolling application system to meet the various search timeline of its member institutions. It is however recommended that applications are submitted by indicated deadline to assure that one’s dossier is available for consideration. All applications can be updated after submission. The system would only display the more recently saved updates.

Our member colleges have a clearer idea as to specific Fellowship position needs and work directly with candidates for appointments.

The application has many sections. Where should I put information that does not seem to fit any particular category?
Please use your best judgment. You are making a case for your selection as a CFD scholar, and you should therefore include information that best reflects your teaching and scholarship. However, you should not include course syllabi or drafts of scholarly papers. In the event additional information is needed, the interested institution will request it.

I have completed my application, but my letters of recommendation have not yet been submitted. Do I need to wait for them before I submit my application?
Each area completed is indicated by a green check mark with OK. Your application is visible to the administrator as you process your application. Your application is complete when a green check mark is available on all required sessions, and the green “Complete” mention appears atop your application.

Missing letters are noted as “Pending”.

Interfolio contacts your referees as soon as you submit their names to inform them that you are applying for this fellowship and have listed them as a reference. A green check mark and the name of referee appears to indicate that the referee has successfully uploaded a letter on your behalf.

After I submit my application, will I be contacted by the member schools? When?
Contact by a member school is likely if the member school would like to obtain additional information from a candidate to assess a potential fit at their school, or if the member school would like to invite a candidate for an interview. Recruitment periods vary. Therefore, there is no set date by which a candidate should have received notice of qualification. It is likely that most schools will be working to make appointments by late winter/early spring.

I am interested in a particular school. How should I indicate my preference?
There is no mechanism for directing your application to only a particular school or schools; your application will be available to all schools member of the Consortium. You may indicate your preference in your application, though we recommend that you contact the individual on the member institution contact list and alert them of your application available for viewing, your interest in their institution, and the school’s recruitment process.

May I submit other materials with my application?
Only the completed on-line application and recommendations are required. Upon reviewing applications, a member school will, if deemed necessary, request additional information from the applicant.

Regarding the fellowships

Is there a particular academic discipline that the Consortium is seeking?

The program invites applications in all disciplines.

Since the Consortium consists mostly of small liberal arts colleges, we believe in the liberal arts tradition. The residential liberal arts colleges of the Consortium are committed to promoting excellent teaching for undergraduate learning. As part of their intellectual vitality, interactive teaching and active learning environments, Consortium member schools seek to build rich intellectual communities of students and faculty members. Through a variety of faculty development programs, ranging from research leaves, curriculum development grants, and support of scholarly expenses to teaching round tables and travel to professional meetings, Consortium member schools encourage and support the creative and scholarly work of their faculty members.

At our schools, a passion for teaching is a “must,” as is significant effectiveness in a variety of pedagogical settings. Faculty members at Consortium member schools can expect to devote a substantial amount of time to teaching and advising undergraduate students. Because our campuses and departments are small, faculty members are encouraged to undertake inter-departmental and inter-disciplinary curricular projects, including the design and teaching of interdisciplinary courses, first-year seminars or courses for non-majors. Expect to support student learning through the use of innovative pedagogy, such as collaborative group work or inquiry learning.